Source code for limix_plot._kinship

from ._plt import get_pyplot

[docs]def kinship(K, nclusters=1, img_kws=None, ax=None): """ Plot heatmap of a kinship matrix. Parameters ---------- K : 2d-array Kinship matrix. nclusters : int, str, optional Number of blocks to be seen from the heatmap. It defaults to ``1``, which means that no ordering is performed. Pass ``"auto"`` to automatically determine the number of clusters. Pass an integer to select the number of clusters. img_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments forwarded to the matplotlib pcolormesh function. ax : matplotlib Axes, optional The target handle for this figure. If ``None``, the current axes is set. Example ------- .. plot:: >>> import limix_plot as lp >>> >>> K = lp.load_dataset("kinship") >>> lp.kinship(K) """ from numpy import asarray, clip, percentile plt = get_pyplot() ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax if img_kws is None: img_kws = dict() if "cmap" not in img_kws: img_kws["cmap"] = "RdBu_r" K = asarray(K, float) if nclusters == "auto": K = _infer_clustering(K) elif nclusters > 1: K = _clustering(K, nclusters) cmin = percentile(K, 2) cmax = percentile(K, 98) K = clip(K, cmin, cmax) K = (K - K.min()) / (K.max() - K.min()) mesh = ax.pcolormesh(K, **img_kws) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set(xlim=(0, K.shape[1]), ylim=(0, K.shape[0])) ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.figure.colorbar(mesh, None, ax)
def _infer_clustering(K): from numpy import inf from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score scores = [] nclusterss = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] for nclusters in nclusterss: labels = _cluster(K, nclusters) # idx = argsort(labels) s = silhouette_score(K, labels, metric="correlation") scores.append(s) smallest = inf nclusters = -1 for i in range(1, len(nclusterss)): d = scores[i] - scores[i - 1] if d < smallest: smallest = d nclusters = nclusterss[i - 1] return _clustering(K, nclusters) def _cluster(K, n): import warnings from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") m = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=n) return m.labels_ def _clustering(K, n): from numpy import argsort idx = argsort(_cluster(K, n)) return K[idx, :][:, idx]