Source code for limix_plot._normal

from ._plt import get_pyplot

[docs]def normal(x, bins=20, nstd=2, ax=None): """ Plot a fit of a normal distribution to the data in x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Values to be fitted. bins : int, optional Number of histogram bins. Defaults to ``20``. nstd : float, optional Standard deviation multiplier for drawing a dashed line. ax : matplotlib Axes, optional The target handle for this figure. If ``None``, the current axes is set. Example ------- .. plot:: >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> import limix_plot as lp >>> >>> random = RandomState(10) >>> x = random.randn(100) >>> lp.normal(x) """ from numpy import arange, asarray, mean as _mean, std as _std import scipy.stats as st plt = get_pyplot() x = asarray(x).ravel() ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax mean_x = _mean(x) std_x = _std(x) xvals = arange(mean_x - 5 * std_x, mean_x + 5 * std_x, 0.001) yvals = st.norm.pdf(xvals, mean_x, std_x) ax.hist(x, bins, density=True) ax.plot(xvals, yvals, color="red") _draw_normal(ax, mean_x, std_x, nstd, "red")
def _draw_normal(axis, mean, scale, nstd, color): import scipy.stats as st max_pdf = st.norm.pdf(mean, mean, scale) axis.plot([mean, mean], [0, max_pdf], color=color, linestyle="--") axis.annotate( r"$\mu$", xy=(mean + 0.6 * scale, max_pdf), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", color=color, ) top = st.norm.pdf(mean + nstd * scale, mean, scale) left = mean - nstd * scale right = mean + nstd * scale axis.plot([right, right], [0, top], color=color, linestyle="--") axis.plot([left, left], [0, top], color=color, linestyle="--") if int(nstd) == nstd: mu_sigma = "$\\mu+%d\\sigma$" % nstd else: mu_sigma = "$\\mu+%.1f\\sigma$" % nstd axis.annotate( mu_sigma, xy=(mean + (1.2 + nstd) * scale, top), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", color=color, )